As response to the economic hardship brought by the corona virus pandemic, the Japanese government has announced that they will be handing out 100,000 yen to residents in Japan for financial support.
Each person listed on Japan’s Basic Resident Register as of April 27, 2020 will receiver this 100,000 financial benefit. If you had register as a resident and have a visa of more than three months. Congratulation you are eligible!
The application form will be sent by a municipal office to the head of each household. One got it, you only have 3 months to submit it. So if you receive it on May, you only have until August.

NOTE: Envelope color may vary from different Ward Office. This is from Setagaya Ward Office
1.Once you received an envelope (like the photo above) coming from your Ward Office. Open the envelope carefully and check the contents.
2.You should receive an application form with your pre-populated name on it, return mailing envelope and informational guide.
3. Make sure to get your bank details such as bank book/ ATM card on hand. If you are using Shinsei Bank you can get the code from here.
If you hard time reading the Kanji on the form you can actually use Google Translate by using its Camera function. Direct your phone to the document and click translation. See the photo above if you haven’t use them.
4. Make sure to complete the bank details, date, signature, account holder name and must tick the box at the back of the form. Shown on the photo above.
5. You must photocopy your bank book or ATM card, photocopy one any of ( Resident Card, Driver License, My Number Card, Pension handbook) . For me I photocopy my ATM Card and Resident Card ( front and back)
6. Put the application form, photo copy ATM card and resident card to the return envelope then sealed it. Now you are ready to drop it to the post office box.
You are good to go and just wait when your money goes into your Bank account. Good luck!