Next to to getting your residence card and registering your address, opening a bank account should be your next priority during your first week in Japan. Why? because you need it for your first paycheck, opening a mobile line if you don’t bring your credit card from your home country and also to stash your Yens in Japan.
Now the next question, what is the recommended bank for foreigners? I asked the opinion of our HR and colleagues and all of them point me to Shinsei Bank.
There are quite a number of Shinsei Banks in most of the major cities in Japan. I suggest to open an account close to your office, mine I opened in Shibuya Financial Center.
Documents to Bring
- Residence Card (Must have a Contact Phone Number)
- Residence Certificate ( Obtain from the ward office)
Note: “Period of Stay” on the residence card should be at least 1 year.
What Account to Open
If the sole purpose of getting an account is for payroll, the bank staff recommended me the Shinsei Powerflex. They will give Shinsei Cash Card so you can withdraw money to most of the partnered convenient stores ATMs.
- Fill out the Application Form provided by the bank staff.
- Submit the Form together with required documents
- Select your preferred Shinsei color Cash Card. ( you may choose from here)
- You will receive your Cash Card and asked to do initial deposit in the ATM kiosk inside. ( I deposited 1000 Yen)
Congratulations! You are now ready to get your first paycheck. In order to access online banking, you must wait for the starter kit which they will send a Security Code Card.
More information here in Opening bank account in Shinsei.
Please share your experience in opening your first bank account in Japan.